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ACTION CALL! Legislation To Get People Back To Work

Legislation To Get People Back To Work


State Representative Gong-Gershowitz has filed the RISE Act.  This legislation will get people back to work and support small businesses.  The RISE Act (House Bill 0801) creates a tax incentive for businesses that retrain and hire employees who have lost their jobs or businesses because of the pandemic.

Businesses with under 500 employees will receive a $2,500.00 tax credit for retraining and hiring a new employee.  Businesses with under 100 employees will receive a $5,000.00 tax credit.  An additional tax incentive of $500.00 will be provided if the business is in a disproportionately impacted area (DIA) or if the person being hired resides in a DIA.

Getting people back to work will replace unemployment payments with tax revenue.  It will support small businesses and stimulate the economy.  Most importantly, this will get people back to work.

Please take action below to contact your legislators and ask them to sponsor the RISE Act!  It only takes a moment!

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