Occupational Licensing Reform
Occupational licenses are often necessary to protect the safety, health, and welfare of the public. However, when these licenses are revisited by legislators, it is important they have accurate and unbiased information before determining whether and how to maintain such a license.
Regulatory Sunset Review - HB5576
This legislation amends the Regulatory Sunset Act to require the existing sunset report process collects and provides comprehensive and specific information about the need for licensure, the licensing process, and the equity concerns arising from personal qualifications, such as the cost of training and continuing education and whether such requirements are suitably addressing public safety. The bill provides guidance for the report’s recommendations of modifications to licensing rules that will lower barriers for applicants but still address genuine public safety concerns, including a list of regulatory tools other than licensure, like registration or certification, disclosures, or insurance requirements. The bill does not usurp legislators' ability to make the final determination regarding a license.
License Information Task Force - HB5575
This legislation creates a task force that includes representatives from low- and middle-income licensed occupations along with a mix of academics, advocates, administrators, and legislators. The goal of the task force is to collect, centralize, and analyze data from IDFPR about low- and middle-income licensed occupations and evaluate licenses using an equity and access lens. The legislation provides that a final report will be published and provided to the General Assembly with recommendations about increasing equity and economic opportunity. With this comprehensive information, legislators can target reform efforts to preserve public safety while removing unnecessary requirements.
Small Business Grants in Illinois
Financial Growth Opportunities Running a business is hard and small business owners often do not have time to navigate grants, tax credits, and other funding opportunities. We are excited to help. While we cannot cover everything, we will do our best to keep you current on economic incentives that may be available for your business…
Third Fair Chance Cohort
SBAC INSIGHTS PAGE Calling all employers: Third Fair Chance Hiring Cohort launching in Winter 2025! Join the Fair Chance movement and a growing network of business leaders that recognize the benefit of hiring justice-impacted individuals. What we do: We work with companies to hire, retain, and advance justice-impacted talent (who represent 1 in 3 working-age Americans). We get to…
Small Business Job Creation Act
SBAC INITIATIVES PAGE Small Business Job Creation Act Find and Contact Your Elected Officials HERE! Resources & Fact Sheets Expand Download Quick Fact Sheet Download One-Pager View House Bill Language