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The RISE Grant Program

RISE Small Business Package

The RISE Grant Program

The pandemic has had a significant impact on the Illinois workforce. Small businesses are still struggling to hire qualified employees which has greatly impacted their operations.  Illinois policymakers will need to promptly pass forward-thinking policies to help get folks back into the workforce.

The SBAC is advocating for the passage of The RISE Grant Program - HB4455. This legislation connects those interested working in a new field or industry with small businesses struggling to hire new employees. Importantly, HB4455 offsets the costs associated with on-the-job training at the inception of the employer-employee relationship. The legislation provides funding for $5,000 grants which can be awarded to businesses that (1) retrain and hire employees that lost their jobs or businesses because of the pandemic; (2) employ less than 50 employees; and (3) create a new net job.

Illinois received over $8 billion from the American Rescue Plan Act funds. The SBAC contends a responsible portion of those funds should be used to support small businesses struggling to hire new employees. This legislation allocates $250,000,000 in funding for this new grant program. This legislation connects those interested working in a new field, in part, facilitated by the pandemic, with small businesses that are struggling to hire new employees. HB4455 creates opportunities for small businesses, while helping get people back into the workforce.



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