Thriving commercial corridors and neighborhood business districts can support local communities across Chicago and Cook County. However, many commercial corridors are struggling. We are looking for your feedback and insight on how to revitalize and empower commercial corridors. Please take a moment to fill out this short survey so we can better understand the needs of the community and the initiatives that will make the biggest impact!
Thank you for your engagement!
Survey Link:
Property Tax Reform
Citizens Empowerment Act The state of Illinois has the second highest property taxes in the US. Property taxes are a huge burden on Illinois residents and small businesses, and often drive people out of the state. Illinois also has 6,918 local units of government, according to the latest Census Bureau data, which is more than…
Occupational Licensing Reform
READ H.B 4012 Why Occupational Licensing Needs Reform Occupational licenses are issued to protect the public’s health, safety and welfare. The number of required licenses in Illinois has grown from a handful in the 1950’s to over 430 today. Policymakers across the political spectrum are challenging states to examine occupational licensing and its impact on…