After persistent support from the SBAC to legalize sandwich signs, in June 2021, Chicago Alderman voted to adopt a new policy on sandwich signs, which will go into effect NEXT WEEK. On March 1, 2022, Chicago small businesses can officially use “A-frame” or sandwich signs on the sidewalk to drive foot traffic into their stores. This win will both help local businesses attract customers and add to the overall vibrancy of our neighborhoods. Click here to learn more about permit applications and costs.
For 7 years, the SBAC and a robust coalition of business and community organizations had been fighting to reduce the time it takes for small businesses to obtain a sign or other public way use permit. And thanks to the SBAC’s tenacity, the City of Chicago answered that call. On July 21, 2021, the SBAC was able to deliver a big win to the small business community with the Chicago City Council’s decision to eliminate full city council approval for public way use permits.
5/3 Bank – Insights
5/3 Bank – Insights We all need more “Insight” into what makes a business successful and how to get there. We are proud to highlight our partner, 5/3 Bank, and their professional insight into achieving financial success. Follow this link to view all of 5/3 Bank’s Insights or view snippets of the three most relevant…
Common Sense Licensing Reform
SBAC INSIGHTS PAGE COMMON-SENSE LICENSING REFORM There are 132 occupational licenses in Illinois. Let’s reflect on that for a moment and consider whether there are ways to protect the safety, welfare, and health of the public without needlessly hurting entrepreneurs and small businesses. The red tape associated with monitoring and enforcing all these licenses also…
Small Business Impacts of New Rules
SBAC INITIATIVES PAGE Small Business Impacts of New Rules Find and Contact Your Elected Officials HERE! Resources & Fact Sheets Expand Download Quick Fact Sheet Download One-Pager