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Our Annual SBAC Golf Outing is BACK!

Golf 2022 BLOG


We are thrilled to announce that registration for the 13th Annual SBAC Golf Outing is NOW OPEN! The annual golf outing is a chance to relax and have fun with fellow SBAC members and guests! And it's in-person! So invite your golf buddies and join us on Wednesday, June 29, 2022 for a 10am shotgun start at White Deer Run Golf Club.


Don't miss out on your opportunity to participate! Our Early Bird Special is available now until May 1st ONLY. Click here to register today!


Interested in our sponsorship opportunities? Check out our sponsorship packages here and contact us at 312-548-8608 or email

Insights Archive

Empower Stats!

By growthzone | August 8, 2023

Empower has been working hard… Over the past 6 months, our mentoring program has blossomed; we’ve been able to help so many Small Businesses! Since January 2023, we’ve seen a 31% increase in our outreach to those in need of help. As proud of we are as our growth, we’re even more proud of our…

Stats for Small Businesses

By growthzone | August 1, 2023

IL Small Businesses, Did you Know…. Did you know that according to the Illinois Small Business Association, a bit over 98% of the businesses within Illinois are Small Businesses? That means statistically, you can probably name most of the larger IL businesses off the top of your head! So, if you approach a store on…

Let’s Transform Vacant Properties Into Thriving Small Businesses

By growthzone | July 11, 2023

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