How can we cut red tape for small businesses through zoning?
In the City of Chicago, every business license, location expansion and change of location application needs to be reviewed and approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals before a business license application can be processed. For a business owner to submit proper documentation, they must identify which business use to classify their business. In the City of Chicago, there are over 22 pages of business uses - a portion of which are outdated and with a noticeable omission of modern ways to incorporate businesses into the city economy.
The SBAC believes in cutting red tape for small business owners. Simplifying and downsizing the list of business uses will make it easier for small businesses to obtain proper zoning credentials in a timely fashion. By identifying the antiquities in Chicago’s zoning classification system, we can further encourage entrepreneurs to look beyond the boundaries of traditional business structures.
Forum on Small Businesses and Child Care
The cost of affordable and quality childcare has kept people from re-entering the workforce. This has significantly impacted many small businesses that continue struggling to find employees to support their operations. Join us for a virtual forum with Chairwomen Carol Ammons and Representative Edgar Gonzalez to discuss how to help get people struggling with childcare…
Thank you for joining us at the 2022 SBAC C.A.N Holiday Party!
THANK YOU for attending our 2022 SBAC C.A.N Holiday Party!! Thank you to everyone who came out to our Holiday Party on December 1st, 2022 to celebrate the holiday season and the SBAC. It was a beautiful day out in the sun. We had a great time and hopefully you did too! Want to…
Hear From our NRC Coalition Partners
The Small Business Advocacy Council and a coalition of engaged stakeholders have come together to revitalize, empower, and connect commercial corridors in the Chicagoland area. This is a collaborative effort involving grassroots engagement, policy advocacy, and educational initiatives. Our coalition looks to address the vacant property crisis in Cook County, cut red tape that burdens…