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You’re Invited to The Rebound!

The SBAC and A Safe Haven are thrilled to invite you for a LIVE and IN-PERSON evening you won't forget! It will be our first big live event of the year, and with the mask mandate now lifted, we hope to see many of you face-to-face once again.


Join us to celebrate the culmination of our joint fundraising challenge, Rebuilding Lives and Businesses: The Rebound, and meet our wonderful sponsors and fellow organizational members, participate in a silent auction, and enjoy a night out while supporting the communities that are crucial to our local neighborhoods!



May 11, 2022


3033 N Clark Street

Chicago, IL



Donations encouraged

With the variant surges slowly fading, the small business community is increasingly optimistic about 2022.  This is also a time of hope for individuals that have been struggling with homelessness during the pandemic.  The Small Business Advocacy Council and A Safe Haven have once again joined forces on a fundraising effort to support the homeless population and advocate for the small business community.


Why would these 2 powerful advocates for the small business community and the homeless partner for this challenge?  It's simple.

  • Small businesses are struggling to find employees. The SBAC has legislation pending to get people back to work. A Safe Haven places formerly homeless individuals into jobs with small businesses. By supporting both organizations, you can help bring people back into the workforce.
  • Providing support to an organization that reduces homelessness in communities will improve the perception of local business districts and that, in turn, can increase the customer base for small businesses.
  • Providing support to an organization committed to improving the landscape for small business owners can, in effort, reduce the number of unemployed workers in communities.
  • You can support the SBAC and A Safe Haven at the same time!

The SBAC is a non-partisan, member driven organization that promotes the success of small business through political advocacy, support services and educational programs. We believe the success of small business is a critical component of the nation’s economic well-being. In order to ensure a fair and level playing field, small business must have a powerful and united advocacy voice at the local, state and federal level. Through cooperative networking, idea sharing and education, small business can flourish.

A Safe Haven Foundation is a 501(c)3 not for profit, social enterprise that helps people ASPIRE. TRANSFORM. and SUSTAIN­® their lives as they transition from homelessness to self-sufficiency with pride and purpose. A Safe Haven provides the tools for each individual to overcome the root causes of homelessness through a holistic and scalable model. A Safe Haven's visible social and economic impact unites families, stabilizes neighborhoods, and creates vibrant, viable communities.

Insights Archive

Hear From our NRC Coalition Partners

By growthzone | November 30, 2022

The Small Business Advocacy Council and a coalition of engaged stakeholders have come together to revitalize, empower, and connect commercial corridors in the Chicagoland area. This is a collaborative effort involving grassroots engagement, policy advocacy, and educational initiatives. Our coalition looks to address the vacant property crisis in Cook County, cut red tape that burdens…

SBAC Mentoring Program

By growthzone | November 17, 2022

We are thrilled that one of our very own Mentees is the recipient of such an award! We are so proud of you Walter Mendenhall IV and wish you continued success!! #sbacempower #smallbuisness #sbacempowermentoring #MaleMogul And check out Walter’s Linked In Post: Learn more about the SBAC Empower Mentoring Program by clicking here. SPONSORS…

New SBAC Empower Educational Webinars

By growthzone | November 16, 2022

SBAC Empower strives to provide up to date resources to assist in your small business growth. We are proud to announce new Educational Webinars viewable at your leisure focused on helping small businesses open brick-and-mortar establishments in underserved communities. These webinars review programming that pertains to navigating the process of zoning, licensing, and leasing space…

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