SBAC Presents: Cook County Assessor Candidate Forum 2022
The SBAC and a robust number of business organizations held a candidate forum for Cook County Assessor. You can watch the forum and hear from Cook County Assessor Friz Kaegi, Commissioner Kari Steele and Mr. Tsatsoulis the individuals running for Cook County Assessor here!
We have marked specific Q&A for your convenience!
3:20 - Introductions
16:40 - How will you support small businesses in local communities, so they can foster economic development in local communities and create jobs?
23:49 - How would you make the process of assessing properties more transparent than it already is?
30:58 - How would you strike a balance between providing needed relief for property owners struggling because of vacancy, but not reward property owners than consistently take vacancy reductions and don't attempt to lease, sell or repair their property?
39:02 - What role do you believe the assessor's office has in incentivizing property owners to lease their spaces and to get small business owners into vacant properties?
44:00 - How the modernization of the Cook County Assessor's office has been going, and how can we move modernization efforts moving forward?
51:09 - How closely have you worked with state legislators and how is that important for the cook county assessor to be successful?
56:20 - What forms have been made in terms of ethics and what plans do you have in the future to address ethics in the office?
1:03:36 - If you were talking to a small business owner and they were concerned about property taxes, what would you tell them to expect if you were elected Cook County Assessor?
1:10:33 - Closing Statements
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