"City funding will support more than $137 million in neighborhood investments."
Twenty-six new and expanded restaurants, health centers, cultural institutions and other neighborhood improvement projects will move forward through more than $33.5 million in Chicago Recovery Plan (CRP) grants announced by Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot and City officials.
This funding is all available through American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funding and other available resources.
To learn more about the Chicago Recovery Grant and its related projects, click here: Home (chicago.gov)
The Healthcare Protection Act: What Small Business Owners Should Know
Small Business Economic Impact Analysis Template
Small Business Economic Impact Analysis Template Rule change: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NAICS 2-digit codes of small businesses being impacted: ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Estimated number of small businesses being impacted: _____________________________________________________ List how the rule will impact the following categories for a small business: Hiring and staffing: _____________________________________________________________________________________ …
Transforming Vacant Properties into Thriving Small Businesses
SBAC INSIGHTS PAGE The SBAC is thrilled to announce an innovative and important program that will support small businesses and revitalize disinvested Chicago communities. Partnering with Allies for Community Business (A4CB), and with support from We Rise Together: For an Equitable & Just Recovery, we have launched a program that will connect the owners of…