Thank you Logan Square Chamber of Commerce for having us!
The SBAC and our Neighborhood Revitalization Coalition had the pleasure of attending the Solidary Triangle Plaza Activation hosted by the Logan Square Chamber of Commerce. We spoke with some of the great people of Logan Square about our goals to revitalize, empower and connect Cook County’s commercial corridors.
Thank you for having us! We look forward to an exciting summer with the community.
REVITALIZATION IN THE NEWS: 51st Corridor Development
Vacant land being transformed to a multi-purpose unit! A development duo on the South Side of Chicago is bringing more restaurants, retail and housing to 51st Street Corridor. This multi-purpose unit will be built on a vacant space. Developments such as this are perfect examples of what can be done with the large number of…
Thank you for attending Rebound on the Rooftop!!
THANK YOU for attending our Rebound on the Rooftop on May 11, 2022!! It was such a beautiful evening, the weather was PERFECT, and we are so glad we got to see so many of you in person again! If you weren’t able to make it, we missed you! And we hope we’ll see you…
SBAC Empower Presents: What to Ask Before Opening Your Doors
What to Ask Before You Open Your Door SBAC Empower partners with Logan Square Chamber of Commerce to present a Q&A session on Zoning, Real Estate and Funding aimed at small business owners looking to open a new business in the city of Chicago. Click on the Video to open in YouTube and jump to…