The Small Business Advocacy Council in partnership with Building Strong Millennials is hosting a town hall at the Kroc Center this Saturday!
Event Info:
The Kroc Center
1250 West 119th Street Chicago, Illinois 60643
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
If you're interested in learning more about commercial vacancies, how to start a business, and how to get involved in your community, we welcome you to attend!
To register, visit www.allbsm.com/news-events.
Other partners include: Institute for Justice Clinic on Entrepreneurship, Pinpoint Precision Engineering, L.T. Consultants, LLC
Stats for Small Businesses
IL Small Businesses, Did you Know…. Did you know that according to the Illinois Small Business Association, a bit over 98% of the businesses within Illinois are Small Businesses? That means statistically, you can probably name most of the larger IL businesses off the top of your head! So, if you approach a store on…
Let’s Transform Vacant Properties Into Thriving Small Businesses
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SBAC Testimonials
The SBAC has significantly impacted the small business community since 2010. From reducing LLC fees to championing legislation focused on reducing premiums for small businesses and increasing transparency to understand better what drives health insurance costs. Our mission has always been to fight alongside small business advocates to enact policies that support small businesses, their…