We've been busy advocating for the small business comunity!
It's been a busy past few weeks for the SBAC.
Our fight to revitalize local business districts continues fervently. We are committed to meeting our Illinois Alders individually to discuss our SBAC Agenda and how to build a better Illinois. Small businesses are the heart of the nation with an ever-growing community of business owners. We thank those below for their commitment and time shared with the small business community.
We ask that you thank them, too by liking and sharing our social media posts!

Legislation to Help Black Owned Businesses Receive a Fair Share of State Contracts
READ H.B 2629 HERE TAKE ACTION Black Owned Businesses Deserve Access to Government Contracts Illinois has failed Black and African American owned businesses by failing to provide them access to state contracts. For too long, they have been denied a fair share of state contracts and revenue. Legislation has been filed to ensure Black and…
Small Business Community Provides Senator Murphy Crucial Input on Business Interruption Grants
CHICAGO, IL – Senator Laura Murphy conducted a meeting with the Small Business Advocacy Council, small business owners and local chamber executives to discuss their experiences with Business Interruption Grants. Many attendees expressed concern and frustration regarding the manner by which BIG grants were awarded. Communication breakdowns impacted small businesses and left them hanging in…
Meet the SBAC Interns – an integral part of the SBAC Team.
Meet the SBAC Interns – an integral part of the SBAC Team. In 2020, we were fortunate to have more than 15 interns supporting our small business initiatives at the SBAC. Hear why they chose to be part of the SBAC Community. And thank you to them all. Please translate this page to…