The SBAC Heads to Springfield to Fight for the Small Business Community
The Small Business Advocacy Council (SBAC) is heading to the capitol on Tuesday, November 15, 2022. We will be focused on procuring relief for local chambers of commerce devastated by the pandemic during the short legislative session this fall. It is imperative our policymakers support the local chambers which supported small businesses throughout the pandemic.
We will also be working to pass House Bill 3215. This bill will support small businesses struggling to hire employees, foster opportunities for formerly incarcerated individuals, improve public safety, and reduce the costs of incarceration. This legislation will provide for wage subsidies for businesses that hire formerly incarcerated individuals and an increased tax credit for small businesses that hire returning citizens.
The best way for the small business community to have a seat at the table is to be in the room! Look for updates from Springfield on our website and social media this Tuesday.
Follow our journey and progress by bookmarking this page for live updates: SBAC in Springfield - Small Business Advocacy Council | SBAC
Occupational Licensing Reform
READ H.B 4012 Why Occupational Licensing Needs Reform Occupational licenses are issued to protect the public’s health, safety and welfare. The number of required licenses in Illinois has grown from a handful in the 1950’s to over 430 today. Policymakers across the political spectrum are challenging states to examine occupational licensing and its impact on…