SBAC Empower strives to provide up to date resources to assist in your small business growth. We are proud to announce new Educational Webinars viewable at your leisure focused on helping small businesses open brick-and-mortar establishments in underserved communities.
These webinars review programming that pertains to navigating the process of zoning, licensing, and leasing space as well as business-minded fundamentals such as management, marketing and small business financials.
Check out our Resource Page today to start learning!!
The Debate Over The Chicago Real Estate Transfer Tax
Download pdf here SBAC INSIGHTS PAGE Register for the SBAC Informational Webinar: The Chicago Real Estate Transfer Tax HERE. The Debate Over The Chicago Real Estate Transfer Tax Chicago is a tremendous city with a proud tradition. Our great city, however, faces multiple challenges, including persistent economic headwinds and an increase in homelessness. Economic development…
The Launch of the Chamber Relief Grant Program!
SBAC INSIGHTS PAGE We’re thrilled to announce the official launch of the Chamber Relief Grant Program by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO). The program aims to provide vital support to chambers of commerce dedicated to uplifting small businesses and local communities. DCEO announced the launch of the chamber relief grant program, along with opening…
Phil Gafka – Insights & Blogs
Phil has been a mentor with us for a minute now and he’s always willing to help where there is need. Perhaps you joined us last summer when he hosted our first ever Lunch-and-Learn on leadership, a quality he demonstrated well then. Phil’s also a writer, and he frequently updates his website with blogs he’s…