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Walter Congrats
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We are thrilled that one of our very own Mentees is the recipient of such an award! We are so proud of you Walter Mendenhall IV and wish you continued success!! #sbacempower #smallbuisness #sbacempowermentoring #MaleMogul

And check out Walter's Linked In Post:

Learn more about the SBAC Empower Mentoring Program by clicking here.

Insights Archive

Procurement Bidding Reform Passes both the Illinois House and Senate!

By growthzone | May 19, 2023

Read S.B. 2192 SB 2192 FACT SHEET Increasing Access to Government Contracts for Small, Minority, and Women-Owned Businesses SB 2192 View the Press Release on SB 2192 The SBAC is excited to announce legislation that will increase access to government contracts for small, minority, and women-owned businesses has passed both the Illinois House and Senate!…

Reduce Recidivism and Grow the Workforce

By growthzone | May 16, 2023

HB 3418 FACT SHEET Read H.B. 3418 Labor shortage requires unconventional hiring… Expand JPMorgan says labor shortage requires unconventional hiring, including people with criminal records PUBLISHED THU, MAR 10 20224:53 PM EST How hiring individuals with criminal records can benefit workforce… Expand How hiring individuals with criminal records can benefit today’s workforce, according to an…

Support Outdoor Dining in Chicago

By growthzone | April 27, 2023

Download the Outdoor Dining FACT SHEET Prompt Action Needed to Support Outdoor Dining in Chicago Chicago’s neighborhood restaurants suffered greatly during the pandemic. When people were unable to gather indoors at restaurants, outdoor dining became the viable alternative. Chicago policymakers took action to provide restaurants with more flexibility and to build on the popularity of…

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