We are thrilled that one of our very own Mentees is the recipient of such an award! We are so proud of you Walter Mendenhall IV and wish you continued success!! #sbacempower #smallbuisness #sbacempowermentoring #MaleMogul
And check out Walter's Linked In Post:
Learn more about the SBAC Empower Mentoring Program by clicking here.
Transparency Bill for Government Contracts
View and Download the SBAC FACT SHEET Legislation Focused on Small Businesses Seeking State Contracts Passes! The Illinois General Assembly passed legislation focused on important reforms to the bidding procedures for state contracts. Winning a state contract can be a game-changer for a small business. While much attention is focused on luring large businesses to…
14th Annual SBAC Golf Outing RETURNS
It’s that time of year again! Time to start thinking about the… 14th Annual SBAC Golf Outing 2023 Tuesday, June 6, 2023 The Preserve at Oak Meadows We had such a great turn out last year and made so many fantastic memories with you all (check out pics from last year to the…
Taking Advantage of Your Membership
We want to ensure you are getting the MOST out of your membership at the SBAC. As a member-driven organization, YOU are our top priority, Want to know how to maximize your membership investment? Get involved and join us one Tuesday for our policy committee! Come join us at our Golf outing! Update your information…