We are thrilled that one of our very own Mentees is the recipient of such an award! We are so proud of you Walter Mendenhall IV and wish you continued success!! #sbacempower #smallbuisness #sbacempowermentoring #MaleMogul
And check out Walter's Linked In Post:
Learn more about the SBAC Empower Mentoring Program by clicking here.
NRC New Look, New Logo, Same Mission
New Look, New Logo, Same Mission In our 2nd year of actively and ardently working to revitalize neighborhoods throughout Chicago, we thought we’d bring a fresh new look to the incredible work that the SBAC and a robust group of chamber partners have spearheaded. We continue to advocate for policy reform to reduce vacancies, cut…
Forum on Small Businesses and Child Care
The cost of affordable and quality childcare has kept people from re-entering the workforce. This has significantly impacted many small businesses that continue struggling to find employees to support their operations. Join us for a virtual forum with Chairwomen Carol Ammons and Representative Edgar Gonzalez to discuss how to help get people struggling with childcare…
Thank you for joining us at the 2022 SBAC C.A.N Holiday Party!
THANK YOU for attending our 2022 SBAC C.A.N Holiday Party!! Thank you to everyone who came out to our Holiday Party on December 1st, 2022 to celebrate the holiday season and the SBAC. It was a beautiful day out in the sun. We had a great time and hopefully you did too! Want to…