The cost of affordable and quality childcare has kept people from re-entering the workforce. This has significantly impacted many small businesses that continue struggling to find employees to support their operations. Join us for a virtual forum with Chairwomen Carol Ammons and Representative Edgar Gonzalez to discuss how to help get people struggling with childcare back into the workforce and support small businesses. Illinois legislation that will provide a childcare tax credit will be part of this important conversation.
Business Interruption Grant Program
IL – Many small and local businesses were devastated by the pandemic but only 20% of applicants received Illinois Business Interruption Grants. Watch coverage of SBAC President Elliot Richardson testifying before the Illinois Senate Commerce Commission about the need for an improved and more inclusive process in the future. Please translate this page to…
Summarization of EEOC Vaccine Guidelines
December 16th – The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has addressed the most common employer questions regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. As of now, there are currently no state or federal laws that prohibit employers from requiring vaccinations as a condition of employment, however, employees can refuse to get the vaccine if they have certain medical…
Rebuilding Lives and Businesses
Hard-working Americans had no idea what was coming in February of 2020. It seemed unfathomable that many small businesses would face the possibility of permanently closing or their employees would be without jobs in the spring. With the resurgence of Covid-19 cases, the situation for both small businesses and their employees has become even…