Navigating the zoning rules in Chicago just became easier.
The newly released Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP) Chicago Business Zoning Guide will help small businesses and property owners more easily navigate the zoning process in Chicago. This was crucial as chambers of commerce and small business advocates advised that clear, reliable, consistent, and updated information on zoning usage in the City of Chicago was needed. This was conveyed to the city and this new zoning guide was formulated.
Per the BACP, the new Zoning Guide contains significant updates, including:
- Easy-to-follow charts to increase readability and save time
- Additional introductory zoning information to acquaint users with how zoning works and the specifications of each zoning district
- Updated, consistent, and reliable information regarding business uses
- Helpful resources and tools for further business support
BACP will be hosting information webinars providing an overview of the updated Zoning Guide and zoning requirements. The first webinar, “Zoning Guide Overview” will take place on Thursday, August 25th at 10:00 a.m. To register, visit
Thank you to the chambers and other groups that highlighted this issue and provided insight on how this zoning guide could help support small businesses and revitalize commercial corridors. Thank you to members of the Neighborhood Revitalization Coalition zoning committee for your engagement.
The work to revitalize neighborhood business districts continues!
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