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Legislation to Support Local Chambers Passes

Legislation to Support Local Chambers Passes

Many chambers of commerce were devastated by the pandemic.  However, this did not stop them from providing crucial support to local businesses. The SBAC is thrilled to report that Illinois politicians have provided 5 million dollars to support the recovery of chambers of commerce in Illinois.  The SBAC has been working to procure this funding for the past year to foster the recovery of chambers.

The distribution of these funds will be awarded via a grant through a program established by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.  Chambers can receive up to one-sixth of the annual revenue lost between 2019 and 2020.  In the event additional funds remain after eligible chambers receive grants, additional grants can be made to chambers.  This bill will apply to chambers with an annual revenue of up to one million dollars.

Thank you to the chambers of commerce that worked with their legislators on this initiative.  Thank you to the legislators that championed this legislation!  This is a very big deal for the small business community

Insights Archive

SBAC and Fifth Third Bank Present: Post Election Commentary by Jeff Korzenik

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