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SBAC Women in Business: Roundtable on Small Businesses and Child Care


The SBAC Women in Business hosted a virtual roundtable with Chairman Edgar Gonzalez Jr. to discuss accessibility to affordable child care and small businesses.  It was an insightful conversation and we sincerely thank Chairman Gonzalez for taking the time out of his busy schedule to join us and for championing this legislation! We look forward to working with him as we continue to push legislation in Springfield to get working families the help they need and to support their children and get back to work.


Watch the entire conversation below or on YouTube to hear specific questions by clicking on the timestamps:

Insights Archive

Transparency Bill for Government Contracts

By growthzone | February 27, 2023

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14th Annual SBAC Golf Outing RETURNS

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Taking Advantage of Your Membership

By growthzone | February 21, 2023

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