We want to ensure you are getting the MOST out of your membership at the SBAC. As a member-driven organization, YOU are our top priority,
Want to know how to maximize your membership investment?
- Get involved and join us one Tuesday for our policy committee!
- Come join us at our Golf outing!
- Update your information in the SBAC Business Directory so others can find you easily!
- Check out our calendar to keep up to date on events and where you can participate!
And if you have any questions, we are here to help you. Reach out to Sara at any time.
Our member benefits chart below shows what's available to you at your membership level:
Our Member Portal is the best place to find information on current SBAC advocacy initiatives, events, member-to-member deals, and more 24/7.
Please take a look at the tutorial below to learn how to best utilize the Info Hub:
Our SBAC Member Directory, which is available on both the Info Hub and main website, includes listings from all of our SBAC Business Supporters, Promoters, and Partners. Take a moment to update your listing and get in touch with fellow SBAC members!
The Info Hub is also available through the SBAC MemberPlus App for on-the-go convenience!
If you have any questions regarding your membership or how to utilize your benefits, please reach out to an SBAC staff member at any time!
WGN News Highlights Policy Change for Vacant Storefronts
Help Us Reduce Vacancies in Local Communities! SBAC INSIGHTS PAGE WGN News Highlights Policy Change for Vacant Storefronts Vacant storefronts litter neighborhood business districts in disinvested communities, causing blight, impacting safety, and depressing economic activity. Because of the negative impact of vacant properties in neighborhoods across the city, a robust coalition of chambers and place-based…
Proposed Updates to Chicago’s Retailer and Food Vendor Rules
Visit the BACP website SBAC INSIGHTS PAGE Proposed Updates to Chicago’s Retailer and Food Vendor Rules The Department of Business and Consumer Affairs (BACP) has published proposed updates to the City of Chicago’s Retailer Rules. The Department has also introduced certain rules for food vendors. BACP is accepting public comments until February 26, 2024,…
The Debate Over The Chicago Real Estate Transfer Tax
Download pdf here SBAC INSIGHTS PAGE Register for the SBAC Informational Webinar: The Chicago Real Estate Transfer Tax HERE. The Debate Over The Chicago Real Estate Transfer Tax Chicago is a tremendous city with a proud tradition. Our great city, however, faces multiple challenges, including persistent economic headwinds and an increase in homelessness. Economic development…