We're excited to announce a series of free community town halls focusing on policies that help revitalize neighborhood business districts and support small businesses. These town halls are designed to be informative, and interactive, and to bring communities together. Members and business owners are encouraged to further learn how the SBAC and a coalition of engaged stakeholders have been working to revitalize neighborhoods throughout Chicagoland.
Because we know our community is located throughout the state of Illinois, we have chosen a few locations throughout the city to make access more convenient for you.
Click on one of the boxes below to find one near you and register today!
What Chicago Retailers Should Know About The Kiosk Ordinance
SBAC INSIGHTS PAGE An ordinance has been filed which will impose a tax on retailers that use automated self-checkout kiosks. This ordinance taxes retailers $20,000.00 for each automated self-checkout kiosk operated at their establishment. The burden for paying this tax cannot be shifted onto customers. There are record-keeping requirements and other rules set forth by…
The Healthcare Protection Act: What Small Business Owners Should Know
Small Business Economic Impact Analysis Template
Small Business Economic Impact Analysis Template Rule change: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NAICS 2-digit codes of small businesses being impacted: ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Estimated number of small businesses being impacted: _____________________________________________________ List how the rule will impact the following categories for a small business: Hiring and staffing: _____________________________________________________________________________________ …