A press conference was held at City Hall to highlight concerns with the PTO ordinance and ask that changes to the ordinance be made. Hear from business owners, community advocates, and local chambers who passionately discussed their concerns and suggested possible improvements to the ordinance below.
Over 30 chambers of commerce and place-based organizations sent a letter to Chicago City Council members asking them to refrain from passing the Chicago Paid Leave and Paid Sick and Safe Leave ordinance. You can view the communication that was sent to Alders here.
Hear From our NRC Coalition Partners
The Small Business Advocacy Council and a coalition of engaged stakeholders have come together to revitalize, empower, and connect commercial corridors in the Chicagoland area. This is a collaborative effort involving grassroots engagement, policy advocacy, and educational initiatives. Our coalition looks to address the vacant property crisis in Cook County, cut red tape that burdens…
SBAC Mentoring Program
We are thrilled that one of our very own Mentees is the recipient of such an award! We are so proud of you Walter Mendenhall IV and wish you continued success!! #sbacempower #smallbuisness #sbacempowermentoring #MaleMogul And check out Walter’s Linked In Post: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6999124047074648064 Learn more about the SBAC Empower Mentoring Program by clicking here. SPONSORS…
New SBAC Empower Educational Webinars
SBAC Empower strives to provide up to date resources to assist in your small business growth. We are proud to announce new Educational Webinars viewable at your leisure focused on helping small businesses open brick-and-mortar establishments in underserved communities. These webinars review programming that pertains to navigating the process of zoning, licensing, and leasing space…