City Council has passed a PTO ordinance that provides greatly expanded paid and sick leave for Chicago employees. The ordinance, however, subjects small businesses to crushing penalties and lawsuits. Many small businesses will also be unable to comply with the mandates of the ordinance by the end of the year. This is an open letter sent to Chicago City Council members asking that amendments be made that protect small businesses and provide a reasonable grace period before the implementation of the ordinance.
Small businesses drive Chicago’s economy and neighborhood businesses create jobs for local residents. We are asking alders to make amendments to the PTO ordinance that provide necessary safeguards to protect Chicago small businesses.
5/3 Bank – Insights
5/3 Bank – Insights We all need more “Insight” into what makes a business successful and how to get there. We are proud to highlight our partner, 5/3 Bank, and their professional insight into achieving financial success. Follow this link to view all of 5/3 Bank’s Insights or view snippets of the three most relevant…
Common Sense Licensing Reform
SBAC INSIGHTS PAGE COMMON-SENSE LICENSING REFORM There are 132 occupational licenses in Illinois. Let’s reflect on that for a moment and consider whether there are ways to protect the safety, welfare, and health of the public without needlessly hurting entrepreneurs and small businesses. The red tape associated with monitoring and enforcing all these licenses also…
Small Business Impacts of New Rules
SBAC INITIATIVES PAGE Small Business Impacts of New Rules Find and Contact Your Elected Officials HERE! Resources & Fact Sheets Expand Download Quick Fact Sheet Download One-Pager