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Twenty-Eight Groups Send Letter to Chicago City Council Members on PTO Ordinance

City Council has passed a PTO ordinance that provides greatly expanded paid and sick leave for Chicago employees. The ordinance, however, subjects small businesses to crushing penalties and lawsuits. Many small businesses will also be unable to comply with the mandates of the ordinance by the end of the year. This is an open letter sent to Chicago City Council members asking that amendments be made that protect small businesses and provide a reasonable grace period before the implementation of the ordinance.

Small businesses drive Chicago’s economy and neighborhood businesses create jobs for local residents. We are asking alders to make amendments to the PTO ordinance that provide necessary safeguards to protect Chicago small businesses.

Insights Archive

Laws You Should Know About

By growthzone | September 8, 2021

Baking Good Legislation On August 27, Governor Pritzker signed into law the Home-to-Market Act.  The Home-to-Market Act allows producers of home-based food products to sell their goods directly to customers. This new law goes into effect on January 1, 2022. This will foster the growth of home-based entrepreneurs, known as the cottage food businesses. Prior…

The SBAC Small Business Package

By growthzone | September 8, 2021

THE SMALL BUSINESS PACKAGE Many small and local businesses have been devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Illinois unemployment rate remains high. Illinois politicians can partner with the small business community to enact policies that will help small businesses through this pandemic, reduce unemployment in our state, grow the Illinois workforce and generate revenue. There…

Conversation on Property Taxes with Commissioner Cabonargi

By growthzone | August 30, 2021

Conversation on Property Taxes with Cook County’s 2nd District Board of Review Commissioner Michael Cabonargi The SBAC hosted Cook County’s 2nd District Board of Review Commissioner Michael Cabonargi and his Chief of Staff Roland Lara to discuss property assessments and tax appeals. It is important to remind small business owners of their right to appeal…

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