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Twenty-Eight Groups Send Letter to Chicago City Council Members on PTO Ordinance

City Council has passed a PTO ordinance that provides greatly expanded paid and sick leave for Chicago employees. The ordinance, however, subjects small businesses to crushing penalties and lawsuits. Many small businesses will also be unable to comply with the mandates of the ordinance by the end of the year. This is an open letter sent to Chicago City Council members asking that amendments be made that protect small businesses and provide a reasonable grace period before the implementation of the ordinance.

Small businesses drive Chicago’s economy and neighborhood businesses create jobs for local residents. We are asking alders to make amendments to the PTO ordinance that provide necessary safeguards to protect Chicago small businesses.

Insights Archive

Small Business Economic Impact Analysis Template

By growthzone | April 30, 2024

Small Business Economic Impact Analysis Template Rule change: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________   NAICS 2-digit codes of small businesses being impacted: ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________   Estimated number of small businesses being impacted: _____________________________________________________   List how the rule will impact the following categories for a small business:         Hiring and staffing: _____________________________________________________________________________________    …

Transforming Vacant Properties into Thriving Small Businesses

By growthzone | April 8, 2024

SBAC INSIGHTS PAGE The SBAC is thrilled to announce an innovative and important program that will support small businesses and revitalize disinvested Chicago communities. Partnering with Allies for Community Business (A4CB), and with support from We Rise Together: For an Equitable & Just Recovery, we have launched a program that will connect the owners of…

The SBAC Heads to Springfield to Fight for the Small Business Community

By growthzone | April 8, 2024

Download SBAC Lobby Day Brochure here SBAC INSIGHTS PAGE The Small Business Advocacy Council (SBAC) is gearing up for a crucial visit to the capital on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, as the legislative session commences in our state capital. Building upon the successes of the previous year, we are determined to make significant strides for…

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