SBAC ACTION CALL: Contact Your Legislators on Economic Incentives
Please consider reaching out to your legislators and asking them to sponsor the Small Business Job Creation Tax Credit Act and Small Business Property Tax Relief Act. Below are current sponsors of this legislation, so if you reach out to them, it can be to thank them. We have also included the link to find your legislators below and the individual fact sheets for this legislation.
A telephone call to your legislators’ offices or an email letting them know you support this legislation and asking them to sponsor these bills (unless they are already sponsors) will be extremely helpful.
Please note: Sponsors may be added as the session continues. We will update as needed, but you may check sponsors quickly by clicking on the bill number link below.
Small Business Job Creation Tax Credit
House Sponsors
Rep. Curtis Tarver
Rep. Barbara Hernandez
Rep. Kevin Olickal
Rep. Martin McLaughlin
Senate Sponsors
Sen. Willie Preston
Sen. Adriane Johnson
Sen. Mattie Hunter
Sen. Laura Fine
Sen. Bill Cunningham
Small Business Property Tax Relief Act
Rep. Debbie Meyers-Martin
Rep. Lindsey LaPointe
Rep. Kevin Olickal
Sen. Bill Cunningham
Sen. Javier Cervantes
Sen. Adriane Johnson
Sen. Cristina Castro
Sen. Willie Preston
Sen. Julie Morrison
Sen. Seth Lewis
Sen. Laura Fine
Sen. Mattie Hunter
Here is the link to find your legislators: https://bit.ly/CTCLegislatorIL. You can scroll to the bottom of the page to find your state legislators.
Here are the fact sheets for the bills:
Let’s come together to support the small business community!